NationWide Self Storage & Auto Wash Trust
Property Overview
Development Data
C-4 (Service Commercial)
Property Size
58,000 sq. ft.
Current Status
Open for business!
This NationWide Self Storage and Auto Wash property is a high profile, highly visible property situated at the intersection of Hugh Allan Drive and Pacific Way and has excellent exposure and access off the Trans-Canada Highway. Located in the Aberdeen region, this site is approximately 5 kilometers from the downtown Kamloops core.
The site is approximately 1.33 acres houses both a self storage facility (NationWide Self Storage) and car wash (Express AutoSpa).
Self Storage Building Features
This 2-storey, 50,000 sq. ft. facility features a modern and clean design. The facility aims to maximizes the rentable space and has over 800 climate-controlled storage lockers (including outdoor and sky lockers) with high security features and innovative kiosks for client interaction.
Building Size
50,000 sq. ft.
Building Height
27 ft. (two- storey building)
Number of Storage Lockers
800 (including sky lockers)
Express AutoSpa Features
The express car wash aims to compliment the self storage facility. The car wash will feature a state of the art car tunnel system, canopy booms, and plans to provide a unique car wash experience, focusing on environmental sustainability and speedy wash services for the expected high traffic volume.
Car Wash Building Size
5,000 sq. ft.
Tunnel System
160′ EDT (Exterior Detail Tunnel System)
Estimated Car Washes per Day
400 (target)

Save Time and Water with a 3-minute Car Wash
Express AutoSpa will utilize the Fusion™ Guard integrated combination of chemistry and equipment to clean, shine and protect up to 160 cars per hour.
Neighboring Businesses
Major hotels, retail chains and entertainment are located on this stretch of the Trans-Canada Highway. They include Costco, Holiday Inn, Marriott Hotel, Cascades Casino, Best Buy, The Bay, Cineplex, and more. Furthermore, the City of Kamloops is expanding and plans for construction of major commercial and multi-family projects in the coming years, thus making this NationWide self storage and car wash facility a prime spot for success.